
Aws postgresql load data from s3
Aws postgresql load data from s3

aws postgresql load data from s3


If you do not have this information already please reference how to grant IAM access to S3 and where to find your AWS access key & secret

aws postgresql load data from s3

This step is assuming you already have an AWS Access Key and AWS Secret Key that has programmatic access to the S3 bucket with the event data.

aws postgresql load data from s3

Sample Data File event_id,event_name,event_value a9ae1582–501a-11ea-b77f-2e728ce88125,product_view,coffee mug a9ae17ee-501a-11ea-b77f-2e728ce88125,search,coffee filters a9ae19e2–501a-11ea-b77f-2e728ce88125,product_view,french press Step 1 - Add aws_s3 Extension to Postgres CREATE EXTENSION aws_s3 Step 2 - Create the target table in Postgres CREATE TABLE events (event_id uuid primary key, event_name varchar(120) NOT NULL, event_value varchar(256) NOT NULL) Final Step - Load data into Postgres! We are looking to ingest this data into our Postgres to analyze the events that we captured. The event tracker will save batches of events in S3 in a bucket that we have programmatic access to. We have structured event data being captured on the front-end of our website. If the database you are working with is also on AWS and is using a Postgres engine with a version of 11.1 or greater you can easily take advantage of the aws_s3 extension to simplify loading data in from S3. In many cases if you are working with AWS, that data will likely be staged somewhere within S3, but ultimately needs to end up living in a database. When working with data, we often find ourselves in situations where we have data that we need to move from one place to another.

Aws postgresql load data from s3